MCIT agency

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MCIT agency

Legal Affairs and Committees

It is the authority responsible for ensuring the protection of the Ministry’s rights and interests, providing specialized legal opinion and counseling to all administrative units in the Ministry, legal representation in internal and external bodies, pleading on behalf of the Ministry in judicial, quasi-judicial, ensuring compliance with the proper implementation of legal tools inside and outside the Ministry and supervising the development of policies, regulations and legislation related to the communications and information technology sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. .

Technology Deputyship

The deputyship responsibilities are centered around, supervising the technology sector, contributing to setting its public policies and development plans, increasing the contribution of technology to GDP, and positioning the Kingdom as a regional hub for technology and innovation..

Communications and Digital Infrastructure Deputyship

It seeks to develop digital infrastructure by setting policies and regulations and stimulating investment to enable the telecommunications sector to play its pivotal role in economic and social development.

Shared Services

It is concerned with ensuring optimum performance and raising the level of achievement by providing the necessary support services through its interrelated departments that work to achieve all of the agency's objectives..

Planning and Vision Realization Deputyship

The agency prepares strategic plans to develop the ministry and the sector while following up on and supervising their implementation. It also coordinates the Ministry’s efforts in working on programs to achieve the vision, and leads the process of drafting and following up on the system’s main goals and outcomes..

Future Jobs and Digital Entrepreneurship

It works on building a digital ecosystem that embraces, develops and attracts talents and skills in the field of digital transformation, supports digital entrepreneurship and innovation, and creates quality job opportunities at a competitive level that achieves economic sustainability and seeks leadership regionally and globally..